Are you hungry for a life of PLEASURE and FREEDOM but feel LOST and DISCONNECTED from your ORGASMIC nature?



This can be YOU divine Queen…

Most of my clients start seeing MAJOR SHIFTS in our first 3 sessions working together.

I got more from working with Brittany than I could have asked for and am forever grateful to the tools she provided to deepen my relationship with my body, sexuality, and confidence.My relationship with my orgasm deepened exponentially since working with Brittany. It is no longer the goal of sex for me, and no longer an isolated peak of pleasure – instead I engage with sex, both partnered and solo with much more intention, slowness, and presence. My experience of sexual pleasure has shifted so I experience prolonged rolling waves of pleasure that move through my entire body, often coming with strong visualizations, and energetic resonances. I feel as though I am standing on the precipice of orgasm with 1½ feet off the cliff, suspended in expanded pleasure for 5-15 minutes at a time.



"Before engaging in this work I was struggling with past trauma, blocks, social conditioning, a deeper connection with myself and the full truth of who I am as a sexual woman. I now focus on my pleasure and needs, I feel safe in my solo practice as well as with my partner, I embrace every possibility of limitless sexual experiences and most importantly embody my strength, worth and my sexuality as a sovereign woman. I am more conscious and aware of my orgasms and my sexual experience is more potent and enhanced, which takes me deeper into unknown places. body. My relationship with my body is now more compassionate, loving and intimate. I not only love my body, but appreciate every part of who I am, and feel empowered and strong."



"Working with Brittany helped me learn the TRUTH about myself and my power. I am more calm and centered in myself. I am more able to speak my truth with clarity and gentleness. The powerful work of healing accomplished in my Being through this course is powerful to behold."



"I learned more about my body during this program than I had in 37 years of living in it. I thought my body was broken, but this work changed that. The one on ones with Brittany have been profoundly healing, mind, body and soul. I am so grateful."



"I got something out of our work that I wasn’t expecting: a better relationship with myself, which enabled me to take the necessary steps in my life. To take the hand of that unsure girl and say “we’re doing this, and, we have all the power to make ourselves happy - in all ways”. I’ve also come to believe that a life is best lived when you come at least once a day! What a gift to be wasting for defined special moments or with the “right” person. It can be just you. Even getting comfortable enough to explore myself to know - it only makes my personal experiences and partnered experiences better!"




Let me show you how to align with your unique pleasure frequency and experience the FREEDOM of Orgasmic Living.

I see you, divine Queen. You’ve spent many years healing your wounds and trauma so that you can show up as the most AUTHENTIC version of yourself.

But when it comes to experiencing juicy PLEASURE, INTIMACY and ORGASMS you still feel closed, disconnected and overwhelming SHAME.

Every time you try to lean into pleasure something happens.
You get sick.
A crisis arises.
Your kids or your partner need you.

So instead of focusing on YOU, you are pulled outside of yourself and into the endless cycle of putting everyone’s needs before your own.

But you know deep down that there is a wealth of ecstatic freedom and orgasmic expansion waiting for you…


Let me show you how to align with your unique pleasure frequency and experience the FREEDOM of Orgasmic Living.

I see you, divine Queen. You’ve spent many years healing your wounds and trauma so that you can show up as the most AUTHENTIC version of yourself.

But when it comes to experiencing juicy PLEASURE, INTIMACY and ORGASMS you still feel closed, disconnected and overwhelming SHAME.

Every time you try to lean into pleasure something happens.
You get sick.
A crisis arises.
Your kids or your partner need you.

So instead of focusing on YOU, you are pulled outside of yourself and into the endless cycle of putting everyone’s needs before your own.

But you know deep down that there is a wealth of ecstatic freedom and orgasmic expansion waiting for you…



Hi! I’m Brittany!

I am a Sexual Empowerment Coach, Sexologist and Certified-Lineage Based Tantric Practitioner and Embodied Specialist. I support women like you in transforming their relationship with sex, reclaiming their pleasure, feeling more confident as a sexual being and realizing their orgasmic potential.

For the longest time PLEASURE could have been my middle name- I sought it out effortlessly, orgasmed like it was my job and commanded my sexual experiences like a BOSS BABE.

Only it wasn’t actually AUTHENTIC.

It was rooted in trauma. Eventually I uncovered sexual trauma that has been buried for years and everything began to change. I began to reclaim my safety and my power and felt like I saved my own life.

Only my relationship with PLEASURE was completely disconnected.

I felt cautious and clumsy. Every time I tried to lean in, my body would reist, I would get sick or my body would shut down. It was SO frustrating.

Over time I began to recalibrate my body, my yoni and my nervous system to experience my birthright of pleasure, joy and orgasmic expansion and it feels ahhmazing.

I’m here to support intuitive, bold and powerful women, like yourself in releasing the stories that stifle you and healing the wounds and stigmas that define you so that you can live an orgasmic, authentic, PLEASURE -FILLED life in every possible way.


Hi! I’m Brittany!

I am a Sexual Empowerment Coach, Sexologist and Certified-Lineage Based Tantric Practitioner and Embodied Specialist. I support women like you in transforming their relationship with sex, reclaiming their pleasure, feeling more confident as a sexual being and realizing their orgasmic potential.

For the longest time PLEASURE could have been my middle name- I sought it out effortlessly, orgasmed like it was my job and commanded my sexual experiences like a BOSS BABE.

Only it wasn’t actually AUTHENTIC.

It was rooted in trauma. Eventually I uncovered sexual trauma that has been buried for years and everything began to change. I began to reclaim my safety and my power and felt like I saved my own life.

Only my relationship with PLEASURE was completely disconnected.

I felt cautious and clumsy. Every time I tried to lean in, my body would reist, I would get sick or my body would shut down. It was SO frustrating.

Over time I began to recalibrate my body, my yoni and my nervous system to experience my birthright of pleasure, joy and orgasmic expansion and it feels ahhmazing.

I’m here to support intuitive, bold and powerful women, like yourself in releasing the stories that stifle you and healing the wounds and stigmas that define you so that you can live an orgasmic, authentic, PLEASURE -FILLED life in every possible way.

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